Our Lives Matter S1E19: Around the World in 40,000 Years, and 7 Failed Explanations of Race and Intelligence

Episode 19 April 04, 2024 00:28:24
Our Lives Matter S1E19: Around the World in 40,000 Years, and 7 Failed Explanations of Race and Intelligence
Our Lives Matter
Our Lives Matter S1E19: Around the World in 40,000 Years, and 7 Failed Explanations of Race and Intelligence

Apr 04 2024 | 00:28:24


Show Notes

Our ancestors originated in a small part of Africa and spread all over the world.  They adapted to life in different places by using their intelligence to figure out how to live there. Many people have tried to explain the differences in people’s lifestyles on different continents by explaining how people in different parts of the world could’ve evolved different levels of intelligence.  All of those hypotheses failed because they never defined human intelligence correctly in the first place.  The history of failed explanations for the relationship between race and intelligence lays the foundation for the real connection between intelligence…

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